The Mahatma Letters To A. P. Sinnett-1924

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Mahatma Letters To A. P. Sinnett-1924

By A. T. Barker

Section 2 letter 19

Fragments in K.H.'s handwriting attached to Proofs of Letter on Theosophy. Received August 12th, 1882.

Yes; verily known and as confidently af irmed by the adepts from whom – 

"No curtain hides the spheres Elysian, 
Nor these poor shells of half transparent dust;
For all that blinds the spirit's vision Is pride and hate and lust."

Exceptional cases, my friend. Suicides can and generally do, but not so with the others. The good and pure sleep a quiet blissfulsleep, full of happy visions of earth-life and have no consciousness of being already for ever beyond that life. Those who were neither good nor bad, willsleep a dreamless, still a quiet sleep; while the wicked will in proportion to their grossness suffer the pangs of a nightmare lasting years: their thoughts become living things, their wicked passions -- realsubstance, and they receive back on their heads all the misery they have heaped upon others. Reality and fact if described would yield a far more terrible Inferno than even Dante had imagined!




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